Studies on the widespread inefficient use of complex computer applications have suggested that users need to learn efficient strategies in addition to learning how to use tools. This paper argues that our growing understanding of strategic knowledge can be used to guide designers develop systems which are conducive to the use of efficient strategies. The paper first describes ten general strategies which appear to be useful across three computer application domains. Next, the paper discusses the functionalities required to execute the ten strategies, and what makes them conducive to strategy use. An analysis of six major computer applications in three domains reveals that these functionalities are not consistently offered, and how their absence directly affects the performance of complex tasks. The analysis leads to questions related to the generality of the results, the problem of featurism, and how strategy-conducive systems could facilitate the transfer of knowledge across applications. The paper concludes by briefly describing how we intend to use the strategy framework to develop analysis methods for designers and trainers.
KeywordsStrategy, strategic knowledge, efficiency, design, training.
INTRODUCTIONAdvances in interaction design such as direct manipulation, and its widespread acceptance, have greatly contributed to the ease with which users begin to use computer applications. Increasingly, users are able to explore and begin to use applications they have never used before, often with little or no training.However, the knowledge to use direct manipulation tools does not seem to aid users to perform complex tasks efficiently. Several studies have shown that despite training and many years of experience, many users with basic command knowledge do not progress to an efficient use of applications [3,6,9,10,12]. Recent research has led us to believe that the efficient use of computer applications requires strategic knowledge in addition to tool knowledge [1,5,6]. The analysis of strategic knowledge has helped identify a set of strategies which are generally useful across computer applications. For example, computer users can perform many iterative tasks efficiently by using strategies which exploit the aggregation of objects [6] provided by common applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, and computer-aided drafting (CAD) systems. This paper explores how our understanding of general strategies can be used to guide designers to check if their designs are conducive to the use of efficient strategies.The paper begins by presenting ten general strategies which appear to be useful across three computer domains: word processors, spreadsheets, and CAD systems. Next, the paper describes how these strategies are dependent on specific functionalities being present in an application, and the design issues relevant to making them conducive to strategy use. An analysis of six major applications in the above three domains reveals that even major applications do not consistently provide important function...