Educational games have attracted attention as valuable
instruments since they combine a proven efficiency in learning improvement
with a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. Despite the increasing number
of educational game contributions treating a wide variety of topics,
to the best of our knowledge, none revise units or physical quantities.
“Unit Kemps” is a 4- to 12-player funny, engaging, easy-to-play,
and trilingual (English, French, and Spanish) game. Based on the French
card game “Kemps”, the main goal of the game is to match
4 cards of a kind, in this case a physical or chemical quantity, its
symbol, its unit, and the instrument used to measure it. More importantly,
the game targets learning physical quantities and to distinguish among
the physical property, the unit, and their respective symbols in an
amusing and relaxing atmosphere. The game was tested by 47 first-
and second-year students from the Facultad de Quı́mica
at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), with
encouraging results in different aspects including content, playability,
and engagement. Moreover, a pre- and postevaluation revealed an encouraging
enhancement in memorization concerning the identification of physical
and chemical quantities after playing the game. In summary, playing
“Unit Kemps” might be a useful tool for students and
educators to reinforce basic scientific curricula concepts and also
to interact among them in a playful environment.