Bis(~-o-hydroxybenzoato)bis(o-hydroxybenzoato)tetraaquodicadmium(II) (I) and tris(pyridine)bis(o-hydroxybenzoat0)-cadmium(I1) (11) have been shown by X-ray diffraction to consist of pentagonal-bipyramidal seven-coordinate Cd(I1). In the former, the coordination sphere is made up of five carboxyl oxygen atoms in the equatorial plane (one bridging) and two oxygen atoms of water molecules in the axial positions. The latter has four carboxyl oxygen atoms and one pyridine nitrogen atom in the equatorial plane and two axial pyridine nitrogen atoms to complete the coordination sphere. The solid-state MAS '%d NMR chemical shifts of these compounds are -31 and +61 ppm, respectively. The lI3Cd NMR chemical shifts of these and other Cd-containing compounds are correlated with the number of lone pairs that are directed toward the Cd atom. The shielded chemical shifts of a number of Cd model compounds as well as Cd-containing macromolecules are discussed. Crystal data (I): a = 7.747 (3) A, b = 12.455 (3) A, c = 15.725 (7) A, p = 96.23 (3)", 2 = 4, P2Ja, pohd = 1.83 (2) g/cm3, pcald = 1.86 g/cm3, N O = 5058, NV = 208, R , = 0.028. Crystal data (11): a = g/cm3, N O = 4944, NV = 428, RF = 0.029. For both I and 11, structures were refined by full-matrix least squares with anisotropic temperature factors and absorption corrections. 10.187 (4) A, b = 14.846 (5) A, C = 17.965 (5) A, p = 93.79 (3)", z = 4, P2l/ll, pobsd = 1.54 (2) g/Cm3, pcalcd = 1.53