Summary :The aim of the present study was to assess whether there is a difference in accumulation of heavy metal ions (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in hosts (small mammals) infected by cestode parasites when compared to those without cestode infection. The abundance of gastrointestinal parasites and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in host livers and kidneys were measured. Contents of heavy metals in hosts were determined by ICP OES method. The hosts with cestode infection (Paranoplocephala sp.) had lower contents of heavy metals in their livers and kidneys compared to hosts with nematode infection (Mastophorus muris). The content of Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni was higher in kidneys than in livers, in both (cestode and nematode infected) rodents while the content of Mn was higher in livers. Content of Zn was similar. The content of heavy metals in host was decreasing with the increasing abundance of cestodes (Paranoplocephala sp.). Species-response models to particular heavy metals are presented.
) avaient des taux de métaux lourds dans leur foie et dans leurs reins plus bas comparés aux hôtes porteurs de nématodes (Mastophorus muris). Les taux de Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu et Ni étaient plus élevés dans les reins que dans le foie chez les les rongeurs porteurs de cestodes ou de nématodes, alors que les taux de Mn étaient plus élevés dans le foie et que ceux de Zn étaient similaires. Les taux de métaux lourds chez les hôtes diminuaient quand l'abondance de cestodes (Paranoplocephala sp.) augmentait. Des modèles de réponse des espèces à des métaux particuliers sont présentés.KEY WORDS : bioaccumulation, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, small mammals, rodents, cestode infection, nematode infection. : bioaccumulation, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, petit levels of heavy metals in the environment may be monitored appropriately by the assessment of their concentrations in internal organs of free-living small mammals (Ieradi et al., 2003;Kålås et al., 2000).
MOTS CLÉSStudies on endoparasites of fish revealed that several helminths were able to accumulate considerable concentrations of heavy metals (Schludermann et al.,