The Notch pathway is a highly conserved cell-cell communication pathway in metazoan involved in numerous processes during embryogenesis, development, and adult organisms. Ligand-receptor interaction of Notch components on adjacent cells facilitates controlled sequential proteolytic cleavage resulting in the nuclear translocation of the intracellular domain of Notch (NICD). There it binds to the Notch effector protein RBP-J, displaces a corepressor complex and enables the induction of target genes by recruitment of coactivators in a cell-context dependent manner. Both, the gene-specific repression and the context dependent activation require an intense communication with the underlying chromatin of the regulatory regions. Since the epigenetic landscape determines the function of the genome, processes like cell fate decision, differentiation, and self-renewal depend on chromatin structure and its remodeling during development. In this review, structural features enabling the Notch pathway to read these epigenetic marks by proteins interacting with RBP-J/Notch will be discussed. Furthermore, mechanisms of the Notch pathway to write and erase chromatin marks like histone acetylation and methylation are depicted as well as ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling during the activation of target genes. An additional fine-tuning of transcriptional regulation upon Notch activation seems to be controlled by the commitment of miRNAs. Since cells within an organism have to react to environmental changes, and developmental and differentiation cues in a proper manner, different signaling pathways have to crosstalk to each other. The chromatin status may represent one major platform to integrate these different pathways including the canonical Notch signaling.