“…Usu ally, the early Mio cene age given by the lab re ports is based on spe cies with wider strati graphic ranges, such as Helicosphaera ampliaperta (Bramlette and Wilcoxon) rang ing from the Aquitanian to Langhian, or Sphenolithus heteromorphus (Deflandre) rang ing from the Burdigalian to Serravallian (Lourens et al, 2004). These spe cies oc cur to gether at many sites from the Paratethys, Med i ter ra nean and At lan tic re gions (e.g., Shafik et al, 1998;Mãrunïeanu, 1999;Rögl et al, 2002;AEoriae et al, 2004;Faris et al, 2016;Melinte-Dobrinescu and Stoica, 2013;Sant et al, 2019;Ukpabi et al, 2020) as mark ers for the late Burdigalian NN4 (Mar tini, 1971) or MNN4a (Fornaciari et al, 1996) zones.…”