“…The contents of As, Cd, Co, Mn, Mo, and U can vary broadly depending on the environment in which the oil shales were deposited. A bright example comes from the coeval Muwaqqar Fm oil shales from central Jordan with abnormal enrichment of Cd, Zn, Mo, Cr, U, Cr and Se, normal V and Ni, and very low Mn and Co [3,78]. The Jordanian spurrite CM marbles that formed after the Muwaqqar oil shales inherit this enrichment and store abundant and diverse accessories (ZnO, (Mg,Zn,Ni,Cu)O, (Ca,Cd)O, Ca-U oxides, CaMoO 4 , (Zn,Cd)S, Cd(S,Se) CdS) [3,[5][6][7][8]) which are absent from CM rocks derived from the Ghareb oil shales.…”