Abstract. Mg in two Allende Ca-AI rich inclusions shows large isotopic, mass-dependent fractionation which enriched the heavier isotopes. After normalization, Mg in these inclusions shows negative 6 16 Mg which appears to require the presence of nuclear effects m Mg distinct from 16 AI decay. The Mg mass fractionation is correlated with distinct but smaller fractionation effects for 0 reported by Clayton and Mayeda for the same inclusions (see companion paper). The observation of distinctive but uniform Mg isotopic composition in different phases within single Allende inclusions indicates that nuclear effects in 0 and Mg are not due to the entrapment of interstellar carrier grains as discrete entities, which are preserved as remnants, but are instead due to a homogenized mixture of components of extraordinary isotopic composition mixed with a component of ordinary solar system material and subjected to isotopic fractionation. The distinct 0 isotopic composition of different phases Within a single inclusion is believed to be due to incomplete back-reaction of the higher temperature condensates with a cooler solar nebula of "normal" composition. The processes responsible for the 0 and Mg nuclear effects and the astrophysical site of their occurrence remain undefined.This note presents the observation in three Allende inclusions of large isotopic fractionation effects in Mg; two of the samples show a correlation between Mg and 0 isotopic anomalies and indicate possible nuclear effects in Mg. In general, the effect of small fractionation on the isotopic ratios of an element is given approximately by (1) where R, 1 is the measured ratio of the isotopes of mass Mi and Mi, R3 is the "normal unfractionated" ratio, and a is the fractionation factor per unit of mass difference which includes the fractionation intrinsic in the sample and that produced by the analytical procedures. A key issue is the ability to distinguish between fractionation in the sample and that produced by analytical procedures. We define any variation in Isotopic ratios which does not satisfy equation (I) as a non-linear isotopic effect. Catanzaro and Murphy [ 1966] showed that the Mg fractionation is less than l%o per mu (mass unit) in terrestrial samples. In a search for effects due to 2 6 AI, Schramm, Tera and Wasserburg [STW, 1970] studied Mg in a variety of samples using a technique with high precision and sensitivity. These workers normalized their data to a standard value of 2 5 Mgj2 4 Mg to determine a and corrected 2 6 Mg/ 2 4 Mg for fractionation using eq. (1) to obtain deviations in 2 6 Mg/ 2 4 Mg in permil relative to the standard. These arbitrarily normalized deviations are defined as 6 2 6 Mg. STW showed that there were no variations in 6 2 6 Mg within ± 0.2°bo and thereby demonstrated the absence of any non-linear effects in the samples investigated. In 1974 two independent groups [Gray and Compston, 1974; Lee and Papanastassiou (L & P), 1974] reported non-linear isotopic effects in Mg extracted from inclusions in the Allende...