DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3921
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Calcium and strontium stable isotopes reveal similar behaviors of essential Ca and nonessential Sr in stream food webs

Abstract: Recent studies showed the potential of stable isotopes of the macronutrient calcium (δ 44/40 Ca) and nonessential strontium (δ 88/86 Sr) as new trophic level indicators in terrestrial vertebrates and marine teleost fishes. In this study, we tested whether similar Ca and Sr isotopic fractionation trends existed in macroinvertebrate-dominated stream food webs compared to vertebrates despite their physiological differences. We have determined the δ 44/40 Ca and δ 88/86 Sr values as well as the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios… Show more

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Cited by 11 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 68 publications
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“…Metal isotopes that fractionate with physiological processes can be particularly useful to advance understanding but have been under-utilized in insects thus far (but see Nitzsche et al . 2020, 2022). For example, in vertebrates, calcium isotopes have been effectively used to investigate the modifications of Ca homeostasis due to pregnancy, lactation, and egg-laying (Tacail et al .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Metal isotopes that fractionate with physiological processes can be particularly useful to advance understanding but have been under-utilized in insects thus far (but see Nitzsche et al . 2020, 2022). For example, in vertebrates, calcium isotopes have been effectively used to investigate the modifications of Ca homeostasis due to pregnancy, lactation, and egg-laying (Tacail et al .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Of the six metals in Category 1 (Table 1), only the regulatory pathways of Ca, Co, and Mo have been wellcharacterized (Dow 2017, Zhang et al 2019, illustrating the large knowledge gap that the newlydeveloping field of metallomics is seeking to fill. Metal isotopes that fractionate with physiological processes can be particularly useful to advance understanding but have been under-utilized in insects thus far (but see Nitzsche et al 2020Nitzsche et al , 2022. For example, in vertebrates, calcium isotopes have been effectively used to investigate the modifications of Ca homeostasis due to pregnancy, lactation, and egg-laying (Tacail et al 2020).…”
Section: Regulation Of Metals In Insect Wingsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Of the six metals in Category 1 (Table 1), only the regulatory pathways of Ca, Co, and Mo have been well-characterized (Dow, 2017;Zhang et al, 2019), illustrating the large knowledge gap that the newly-developing field of metallomics is seeking to fill. Metal isotopes that fractionate with physiological processes can be particularly useful to advance understanding but have been under-utilized in insects thus far (but see Nitzsche et al, 2020Nitzsche et al, , 2022. For example, in vertebrates, calcium isotopes have been effectively used to investigate sex-specific modifications of Ca homeostasis due to pregnancy, lactation, and egg-laying (Tacail et al, 2020).…”
Section: Regulation Of Metals In Insect Wingsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In fact, a lower 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratio in shallow waters of southern Bay of Bengal compared to higher ratios in deeper water is linked to the deposition of anthropogenic lead from fossil fuel burning [14]. Strontium, despite not being an essential nutrient [15], enters the body of living animals through food and water intake, and deposits as hydroxyapatite in bones by substituting calcium (Ca) in mineral lattices [7]. Strontium substitutes Ca because Sr is chemically similar to Ca [1,16].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%