Recently, it has been suggested (1-6) that the safety of the thionyl chloride and sulfuryl chloride cells can be significantly improved by replacing the low melting lithium anode (mp 180.7~ with a high melting calcium anode (mp 839~ Thus, bQth the calciumthionyl chloride (1-4) and calcium-sulfuryl chloride (5, 6) cells have been investigated during the past three years. For both these cells, solutions of lithium tetrachloroaluminate or calcium tetrachloroaluminate have been used as electrolytes. However, the cathode capacities in calcium cells using lithium tetrachloroaluminate solutions as electrolytes were found (5, 6) to be smaller than the cathode capacities in corresponding lithium cells. The cathode capacities in calcium cells were even smaller if solutions of calcium tetrachloroaluminate were used as electrolytes (2, 5, 6). Therefore, in order to gain an insight into the cathodic process in calcium cells, we have studied the voltammetric reduction of sulfur oxychloride solvents at smooth glassy carbon electrodes in solutions containing calcium tetrachloroaluminate. This paper summarizes our results in sulfuryl chloride solutions.
ExperimentalAnhydrous lithium tetrachloroaluminate (7, 8) and anhydrous calcium chloride (9) were prepared by fusion under a flowing atmosphere of hydrogen chloride gas according to the procedures previously described. The fused salts were then treated with chlorine gas in order to oxidize any organic matter. The excess of any hydrogen chloride and chlorine gases were then removed by purging with pure dry argon gas. The anhydrous salts so prepared were solidified and stored under an argon atmosphere. Aluminum chloride (iron and water free; Fluka AG) was used as received. Sulfuryl chloride (Matheson, Coleman, and Bell Company) was refluxed over lithium metal and distilled as colorless liquid. 0.4 molar Ca(A1C14)~-SO2C12 and 1.0 molar LiA1C14-SO2C12 solutions were prepared by dissolving requisite amounts of anhydrous salts in freshly distilled sulfuryl chloride. The LiA1C14-SO2C12 and Ca(A1C14)2-SO2C12 solutions were then equilibrated with a small crystal of lithium chloride and calcium chloride, respectively, in order to neutralize traces of excess aluminum chloride, if any, in the solutions. The choice of the concentration of Ca (A1CI4)2-SO2C12 solutions used in the present study was dictated by the solubility limit (,~0.5 mol/liter) of calcium tetrachloroaluminate in sulfuryl chloride (6).A three-electrode system was used for all measurements. The reference (1 X 5 cm) and counter (3.5 X 6 cm) electrodes were both made by pressing lithium or calcium onto a nickel screen. Both electrodes were mechanically abraded and thoroughly washed with carbon tetrachloride before use. The lithium electrodes * Electrochemical Society Active Member.