Most endocrine cells secrete hormones as a result of Ca-regulated exocytosis, i.e., fusion of the membranes of hormone-containing secretory granules with the cell membrane, which allows the hormone molecules to escape to the extracellular space. As in neurons, electrical activity and cell depolarization open voltage-sensitive Ca channels, and the resulting Ca influx elevate the intracellular Ca concentration, which in turn causes exocytosis. Whereas the main molecular components involved in exocytosis are increasingly well understood, quantitative understanding of the dynamical aspects of exocytosis is still lacking. Due to the nontrivial spatiotemporal Ca dynamics, which depends on the particular pattern of electrical activity as well as Ca channel kinetics, exocytosis is dependent on the spatial arrangement of Ca channels and secretory granules. For example, the creation of local Ca microdomains, where the Ca concentration reaches tens of µM, are believed to be important for triggering exocytosis. Spatiotemporal simulations of buffered Ca diffusion have provided important insight into the interplay between electrical activity, Ca channel kinetics, and the location of granules and Ca channels. By confronting simulations with statistical time-to-event (or survival) regression analysis of single granule exocytosis monitored with TIRF microscopy, a direct connection between location and rate of exocytosis can be obtained at the local, single-granule level. To get insight into whole-cell secretion, simplifications of the full spatiotemporal dynamics have shown to be highly helpful. Here, we provide an overview of recent approaches and results for quantitative analysis of Ca regulated exocytosis of hormone-containing granules.