Bond strength between dentine and a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement with fluoride Ranjkesh B, Kopperud HM, Kopperud SE, Løvschall H. Bond strength between dentine and a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement with fluoride. Eur J Oral Sci 2019; 127: 564-569. © 2019 Eur J Oral SciThe aim of this study was to evaluate the dentine bond strength of a novel fast-setting calcium silicate cement (Protooth) versus a calcium hydroxide-based cement (Dycal), a calcium silicate cement (ProRoot MTA), and a glass ionomer cement (Ketac-Molar). Mid-root dentine slices of 1 mm thickness were obtained from human maxillary incisors. After enlarging the lumen of the canal to 1.3 mm, the cavities were randomly filled with test materials. Samples were immersed in physiological-like solution. The push-out bond strength was tested on days 1, 28, and 180 (n = 12). Failure types of bonding were determined using a stereomicroscope. We analysed the data using linear regression. Dycal and day 1 were considered as reference for cement type and assessment time, respectively. Protooth, Ketac-Molar, and ProRoot MTA demonstrated higher push-out bond strength than Dycal. The pushout bond strength in the Protooth group increased on day 28 and 180. The bond strength of Ketac-Molar was significantly reduced on day 28. Dycal showed a significant decrease in bond strength on day 180 compared with that on day 1 and 28. Mixed failure was the dominant failure type. Protooth bonding to dentine was increased with time, in contrast to that of ProRoot MTA, Dycal, and Ketac-Molar, as a function of time.