SUMMARY: Molecular imaging is aimed at the noninvasive visualization of the expression and function of bioactive molecules that often represent specific molecular signatures in disease processes. Any molecular imaging procedure requires an imaging probe that is specific to a given molecular event, which puts an important emphasis on chemistry development. In MR imaging, the past years have witnessed significant advances in the design of molecular agents, though most of these efforts have not yet progressed to in vivo studies. In this review, we present some examples relevant to potential neurobiologic applications. Our aim was to show what chemistry can bring to the area of molecular MR imaging with a focus on the 2 main classes of imaging probes: Gd 3ϩ -based and PARACEST agents. We will discuss responsive probes for the detection of metal ions such as Ca, Zn, Fe, and Cu, pH, enzymatic activity, and oxygenation state.ABBREVIATIONS: BBB ϭ blood-brain barrier; BOLD ϭ blood oxygen levelϪdependent; bpy ϭ bipyridine; C, carbon; Ca ϭ calcium; CEST ϭ chemical exchange saturation transfer; CO 3 ϭ carbonate; Cu ϭ copper; DTPA ϭ diethylene-triamine pentaacetic acid; DOTA ϭ 1,4,7,10-tetraaza-1,4,7,10-tetrakis(carboxymethyl)cyclododecane; Eu ϭ europium; Fe ϭ iron; Gd ϭ gadolinium; H ϭ hydrogen; HSA ϭ human serum albumin; k ex ϭ exchange rate; M ϭ metal ion; Mn ϭ manganese; N ϭ nitrogen; O ϭ oxygen; OH ϭ hydroxide; PARACEST ϭ paramagnetic CEST; PO 4 ϭ phosphate; q ϭ number of water molecules coordinated to Gd 3ϩ ; T 1,2e ϭ electron spin relaxation times; TPEN ϭ N,N,NЈ,NЈ-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylene-diamine; tpps ϭ 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(p-sulfonatophenyl porphinate; tpy ϭ terpyridine; Yb ϭ ytterbium; Zn ϭ zinc; tau R ϭ reorientational correlation time of the molecule M olecular imaging is an emerging science area aimed at noninvasive visualization of the expression and function of bioactive molecules that often represent specific molecular signatures in disease processes. It seeks the biochemical or physiologic abnormalities underlying the disease, rather than the structural consequences of these abnormalities. Potential clinical applications of molecular imaging have been widely recognized, though the limited sensitivity and specificity of current molecular imaging approaches are often a major roadblock for clinical applications. Besides clinical settings, drug development can also largely benefit from the integration of molecular imaging. Molecular imaging not only allows rationalization of the parameters related to disease processes but it can also replace the common invasive research techniques (such as histology, which requires sacrificing animals for each time point in the experiment) by time-effective repeatable real-time visualization of biologically relevant processes. Currently, progress in the molecular imaging area is simultaneously moving at 3 levels: 1) improving the imaging hardware for use in preclinical and clinical settings, 2) identifying and validating new biologically relevant imaging targets, and 3...