“…It re quires a large num ber of ra dio ac tive stan dards, im plying a high fi nan cial cost, along with count ing time and a lot of ef fort in pre par ing the sources [3]. In or der to over come the said ob sta cles, sev eral non-ex per i men tal meth ods [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] have been pro posed and ap plied, de -pend ing on pho ton en ergy, source-de tec tor ge om e try and vol ume. Also, Selim and Abbas over came these hur dles by de riv ing a di rect math e mat i cal method for ob tain ing the ef fi cien cies of source-de tec tor sys tems with dif fer ent ge om e tries such as point source [13,14], disk source [15,16], cy lin dri cal source [17], Marinelli beaker [18], parallelepiped [19], and well-type de tectors [20].…”