Because of their importance in several areas of chemical, physical and astrophysical research, van der Waals complexes of simple molecules and rare gases (Rg) have for some time received a great deal of experimental and theoretical attention. [1±6] Recently additional impetus has come from the possible role of such systems in materials sciences and the observation of new phenomena in large clusters of rare gases with molecular impurities, either neutral or ionic.[7±13]The aim of the present study is to demonstrate, by using the specific example of carbon monoxide, how a more global description of rare gas atoms weakly bound as van der Waals (vdW) complexes to the CO molecule can be obtained from quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the distribution of their nuclear positions within the final molecule. State-of-the-art quantum chemical treatments [13±15] start, in fact, with a fixednuclei (FN), Born ± Oppenheimer (BO) approach and therefore search for the most stable structure of the three atomic partners without any initial reference to the nuclear dynamics. Thus, although this aspect is correctly accounted for by later constructing the bound state levels of the triatomic complex, this approach implies a cluster structure in which the atoms have specified geometrical positions determined by the minima in the potential energy surface (PES). This latter description presents problems in the extraction of the structural properties of such weakly bound complexes from fully resolved infrared spectra, [16] since the progression of the transitions can be assigned either in terms of a set of approximate rigid body quantum numbers or in terms of the nearly free internal rotor dynamics of the component diatom. [17] In both limits a full set of measured and assigned spectral transitions or of estimated spectroscopic constants is used to determine the intermolecular potential. In either case, the diatom component rovibrational states are often used as a zeroth-order starting basis, and the overall rotations, plus a radial basis related to the vdW vibrations, are employed in further expansions with the appropriate angular momentum recoupling. [13,16,18,19] This spectroscopic analysis thus recognizes the floppy nature and the wide-amplitude motions which nuclei or groups of nuclei can undergo in these species and underlines the difficulty of obtaining meaningful structural parameters from traditional spectroscopic analyses. By considering the motion of the component diatom as the primary dynamical reference [15,16] it also acknowledges the fact that the very notion of an equilibrium structure may become irrelevant in such systems. On the other hand, an inspection of bound and metastable final eigenfunctions that could help to visualize the 3D behavior of such complexes is not commonly used in studies of the energy levels and the predissociation dynamics for vdW systems, since they tend to focus instead on the calculation of the matrix elements for transitions and for state lifetimes. [20,21] In the following we intend to show ...