We apply the supersymmetric Darboux transformation to the optical Helmoltz wave equation to generate analytically complex-valued PT-symmetric potentials (physically a graded refractive index dielectric). PT-symmetry is then spontaneously broken controlling the amplitude of the imaginary part of the refractive index distribution. Consequently a resonance is detectable which is related to a singularity of the S matrix, responsible for extraordinary high transmission and reflection peaks in the scattering spectra. We demonstrate how controlling the resonance we can achieve different amplification rates up to four order of magnitude at the exact singular point. Total transmission and very high reflection can be also obtained. All the visible portion of the spectrum can be spanned by enlarging the spatial width of the potential. All these potentials can be unified in a single device with the capability to dynamically control the imaginary part of the refractive index, thus defining a tunable dynamical optical filter behaving as a perfect amplifier, a transparent barrier or a high efficiency mirror.