Random, uncorrelated displacements of particles on a lattice preserve the hyperuniformity of the original lattice, that is, normalized density fluctuations vanish in the limit of infinite wavelengths. In addition to a diffuse contribution, the scattering intensity from the the resulting point pattern typically inherits the Bragg peaks (long-range order) of the original lattice. Here we demonstrate how these Bragg peaks can be hidden in the effective diffraction pattern of independent and identically distributed perturbations. All Bragg peaks vanish if and only if the sum of all probability densities of the positions of the shifted lattice points is a constant at all positions. The underlying longrange order is then 'cloaked' in the sense that it cannot be reconstructed from the pair correlation function alone. On the one hand, density fluctuations increase monotonically with the strength of perturbations a, as measured by the hyperuniformity order metric Λ. On the other hand, the disappearance and reemergence of long-range order, depending on whether the system is cloaked or not as the perturbation strength increases, is manifestly captured by the τ order metric. Therefore, while the perturbation strength a may seem to be a natural choice for an order metric of perturbed lattices, the τ order metric is a superior choice. It is noteworthy that cloaked perturbed lattices allow one to easily simulate very large samples (with at least 10 6 particles) of disordered hyperuniform point patterns without Bragg peaks.