43[5] А. И. Павлов, -Повышение адекватности имитационных моделей нелинейных диcсипативных объектов,‖ Автоматизация технологических и бизнес-процессов, ном. 17, сс. 4-7, 2014; [6] From the viewpoint of explosion protection the most important problems are the detonation initiation, the structure of detonation waves, the detonation limits (on concentration and initial pressure), and the limiting detonation regime (spin and a gallop). All of these problems are connected with the problem of stability of one-dimensional stationary detonation wave. A detailed analysis of the detonation wave instability allows to calculate the structure of multifront (cellular) detonation, estimating the cell size by the wave length of perturbations with maximum velocity for amplitude increase. The inversely proportional dependence between the detonation cell size and the initial combustible mixture pressure allows to control the detonation process, which is important for solving practical problems of explosion. For these cases a problem of estimation for a detonation wave width, including a chemical reaction zone and / or the induction zone, is important, especially if there are no experimental data. Solving of this problem is the purpose of this study.V.A. Michelson [1] was the first who gave physical explanation for observations of detonations in gas mixtures. Chapman and Jouget [2,3] developed idea about detonation wave as a shock wave with the small time of chemical transformation directly in the front. Reaction zone was considered simply as a surface of discontinuity. Their hypothesis that the velocity of detonation products is equal to the local velocity of sound closed the set of equations consisting of conservation laws and the