We propose a pruned multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method with systematically expanding nondirect product bases and use it to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation. No pre-determined pruning condition is required to select the basis functions. Using about 65 000 basis functions, we calculate the first 69 vibrational eigenpairs of acetonitrile, CH 3 CN, to an accuracy better than that achieved in a previous pruned MCTDH calculation which required more than 100 000 basis functions. In addition, we compare the new pruned MCTDH method with the established multi-layer MCTDH (ML-MCTDH) scheme and determine that although ML-MCTDH is somewhat more efficient when low or intermediate accuracy is desired, pruned MCTDH is more efficient when high accuracy is required. In our largest calculation, the vast majority of the energies have errors smaller than 0.01 cm −1 . Published by AIP Publishing. [http://dx