In laser physics, optical communications systems, and fiber-optical transmitters, the cross-section electrooptical modulator of laser bundles on the basis of a biconical resonator loaded by crystal KDP is promising.The biconical resonator (Fig.l), occupying area R,, consists of a cylindrical part of a radius R and length L, of two frustum of a cones forming which make an angle 8 with an axes oz; a is radius of flat end faces of a resonator, d, is length of crystal, a, is radius of a flat end face of crystal, the crystal occupies area n, and can have the following form: circular (r = al), spherical convex (r = aJ or spherical (r = aJ cylinder. ' dFigure 1. wllscribed by the two-dimensional boundary problem: Fig. 1 Consider axially symmetric oscillation H,,, ,, AU(r,z) + k 'U(r,z)=O,where r is the boundary of a resonator, r = T,uT, , Ti is the boundary of area Ri (i = 1,2); k2 = ~p , Solution of a boundary value problem (I), (2) is discovered by a method of R-fimctions [l-31, by the where ~, p , and &,p2 are dielectric and magnetic permeability of vacuum and crystal respectively. construction of a coordinate sequence for a functional Releya-Ritza as follows:where o(r, z) is equation of the boundary of area of a study, @=p(r)p(z) is selected to satisfy precisely the conditions on the boundary of a biconical resonator and on the boundary of a crystal, and also to precisely take into account a relation between E, and E,.The generalized problem of eigenvalues is described by the equationMSMW'98 Symposium Proceedings. Kharkov, Ukraine, September 15-1 7, 1998