T. P. FORREST. Can. J. Chem. 52, 4095 (1974).Proton coupling constants have been used in calculating dihedral angles of vicinal gauche protons in variety of pyranose derivatives of glucose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, altrose, and galactose. The calculations involve the use of a formula which was derived from a correlation of the coupling constants of ethane derivatives with the electronegativities of substituents and their orientation relative to the coupled protons.The results indicate that the formula has general applicability and gives more reasonable values than a Karplus equation in which the constants have been adjusted to fit some compounds of the series. The calculated dihedral angles indicate that an equatorial substituent generally causes little distortion of dihedral angles, whereas an axial substituent generally causes the equatorial proton on the same carbon to have a smaller than normal dihedral angle with the adjacent axial proton and a larger than normal dihedral angle with the adjacent equatorial proton.T. P. FORREST. Can. J. Chem. 52, 4095 (1974).Les constantes de couplage du proton ont Bt B utilisees dans le calcul des angles diedres des protons gauches vicinaux dans une varikte de derives pyranosiques du glucose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, altrose et galactose. Les calculs font appel B l'utilisation d'un formule deduite