A methodology is presented for using the VolterraWiener theory of nonlinear systems in aeroservoelastic (ASE) analyses and design. The theory is applied to the development of nonlinear aerodynamic response models that can be defined in state-space form and are, therefore, appropriate for use in modern control theory. The theory relies on the identification of nonlinear kernels that can be used to predict the response of a nonlinear system due to an arbitrary input. A numerical kernel identification technique, based on unit impulse responses, is presented and applied to a simple bilinear, single-input-singleoutput (SISO) system. The linear kernel (unit impulse response) and the nonlinear second-order kernel of the system are numerically-identified and compared with the exact, analytically-defined linear and second-order kernels. This kernel identification technique is then applied to the CAP-TSD (Computational Aeroelasticity ProgramTransonic Small Disturbance) code for identification of the linear and second-order kernels of a NACA64AOlO rectangular wing undergoing pitch at M=0.5, M=0.85 (transonic), and M=0.93 (transonic).Results presented demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for use with nonlinear, unsteady aerodynamic responses.