Momentum densities of annihilating elecfroc-psimn pairs. posimn lifetimes, work funcuons and binding energies as well as e l e c t r o ~s l m n enhancement factors at the surfaces of simple metals and cadmium are studied. 'Ihe effect of ekcuowposimn correlations on the surfaceitate posimn a " o n chanctellstics is set out Institute of ExperimenLll Physics, Universily of Wndaw. 50-204 Wmcfaw, PI. Maxa Boma 1 . Introduction Studies of slow positron interactions with metal surfaces (for reviews, see e.g. I11-[41) opened a new channel in investigations of the electronic structure of solids by positron annihilation. In particular, the extended well known angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR) technique (for reviews, see e.g. [5,6]) has been successfully applied to probing electron and positron surface states (ss) in AI ([7-lo]), Cu [ll], Ni [9,10,12], Pb [131, Si [9,10] and graphite [14]. Slow-positron experiments have conlirmed the presence of the posiwn Ss at the clean AI [I101 surface 1151; the ss component of the measured lifetime spectrum amounts to 580 ps, i.e. about 15% more than the spin-averaged free positronium value. This result