The series of calculations of differential cross sections and analyzing powers (АB у B ) of the elastic proton scattering on isotopes P 6 PHe and P 8 PHe was presented in the framework of the theory of Glauber multiple diffraction scattering. The three-body α−n−n and harmonic oscillator wave functions were used for P 6 PHe, for P 8 PHe -the function of density distribution in LSSM. For рP 6 PНе scattering the expansion of the Glauber operator into a series of multiple scattering is written in the form consistent with the picture of weakly bound clusters in halo-nuclei, for рP 8 PНе scattering the members of single-and double collisions are included in the operator. We have done the comparison of our results with available experimental data (including new data of АB у B for рP 6 PНе scattering at the E = 71 MeV/nucleon) and with the calculations results in the other approaches (high-energy, optical model, RMF). Also, the comparison of the characteristics of two isotopes P 6 PНе and P 8 PНе was made, which showed that they correlate quite well with each other. Keywords: Glauber multiple diffraction scattering theory; three-body cluster model; differential cross-sections; analyzing powers. PACS Number(s): 21.45.+v, 21.60.Gx, 24.10.Ht, 25.40.Cm. P Ref. 4 and 0.20 (GeV/c)P 2 P Ref. 3. J J J Ψ T to theT T finalT J M J f ′ Ψ T state ofT T the nucleusT under effects of T the operatorT Ω , in case T of elastic scatteringT J J ⋅ χ = J J J J s s S s M M M J i s JM f M M M M s if s if c if M M M M J d d J J