An improved method for obtaining the titration curves of monobasic acids is outlined. The sample, 0.005 mole of the sodium salt of the weak acid, is dissolver! in 100 ml of a 0.05-m solution of sodium chloride and titrated electrometrically with an acid-salt mixture in a hydrogen-silver-chloride cell without liquid junction.The acid-salt mixture has the composition: nitric acid, 0.1 m; pot assium nitrate, 0.05 m; sodium chloride, 0.05 m. The titration therefor e is performed in a. medium of constant chloride concentration and of practically unchanging ionicstr ength (1'=0.1) . The calculations of pH values and of dissociation constants from the emf values are outlined . The tit ration curves and dissociation constants of form ic acid and of acetic acid at 25 0 C were obtained by this method. The pK values (negative logarit hms of the d issociation constants) were found to be 3.742 and 4. 754, respectively.