The Lie algebra su(2) of the classical group SU(2) is built from two commuting quon algebras for which the deformation parameter is a common root of unity. This construction leads to (i) a not very well-known polar decomposition of the generators J − and J + of the SU(2) group, with J + = J † − = HU r where H is Hermitean and U r unitary, and (ii) an alternative to the {J 2 , J z } quantization scheme, viz., the {J 2 , U r } quantization scheme. The representation theory of the SU(2) group can be developed in this nonstandard scheme. The key ideas for developing the Wigner-Racah algebra of the SU(2) group in the {J 2 , U r } scheme are given. In particular, some properties of the coupling and recoupling coefficients as well as the Wigner-Eckart theorem in the {J 2 , U r } scheme are examined in great detail.