Hartree-Fock and density functional theory techniques have been used to calculate the structures, the stabilities in aqueous and toluene solutions, and the 19 F and 29 Si NMR shifts of Fencapsulating double-ring geometry silsesquixoanes DnR with n ) 3-6. We find for the fluorides that the encapsulation free energy is most negative for the double four-ring (D4R) cage, in which the most stable geometry has Fin the center. For n ) 5, 6 (and for an opened version of the double five-ring, D5R, cage), the most stable geometry has Fbonded to a single apex Si atom, with a bond distance around 1.76 Å. The 19 F NMR is somewhat deshielded relative to that of the Si(OH) 4 Fmonomer for all of the apex bonded F -DnR species and is very strongly deshielded for the central Fencapsulating DnR species with n ) 3, 4. The Si is slightly deshielded by the presence of Ffor the DnR with central Fions, while in the apex-bonded larger double rings, n ) 5, 6, the Si directly bonded to Fis substantially shielded. The energetic results help to explain why fluorides, as mineralizing agents, increase the yield of zeolites and mesoporous silicas with D4R rings, and the NMR results provide a means for ascertaining double-ring size and the position of Fwithin the double-ring cage.