The occurrence of Mach reflection within the over-expanded nozzle free jet flow has been examined. A flow model emphasizing the interaction between the outer and central core streams has been developed to deal with flow situations where detailed inviscid calculations of the flowfield with Mach reflection are not possible. The results obtained show reasonably good agreement with the available experimental data. This method has also produced comparable results where detailed calculations of the flowfield are possible.Nomenclature a, b, c = coefficient defined in text, Eq. (11) Y e , R e = nozzle height or radius at exit R 0 = radius of Mach disk R = radius RS = reflected shock H _ = height X, Y, Y -coordinates *o> y 0 = location and height of two-dimensional Mach stem height P = pressure M = nozzle Mach number MS = Mach shock V m = maximum flow velocity V = velocity a = wave angle of shock a = Mach angle y = ratio of specific heats d = deflection angle of shock 6 = streamline angle Subscripts si = sonic limit a = ambient or asymptotic state o -stagnation condition 1 = nozzle flow condition 2 = state behind incident shock 3 = state behind reflected shock at triple point 4 = state behind Mach shock at triple point b = jet boundary r -reflected shock w3 = normal reflected shock at triple point n4 = normal Mach shock at triple point rl = regular reflection limit MS = Mach shock T = triple point 3a= fluid states at asymptotic condition above slipline 4a= fluid states at asymptotic condition below slipline 2 T , 3 r , 4 r = states behind incident, reflected, and Mach shock at triple point (axisymmetry flow only)