In binary classification framework, we are interested in making cost sensitive label predictions in the presence of uniform/symmetric label noise. We first observe that 0-1 Bayes classifiers are not (uniform) noise robust in cost sensitive setting. To circumvent this impossibility result, we present two schemes; unlike the existing methods, our schemes do not require noise rate. The first one uses α-weighted γ-uneven margin squared loss function, lα,usq, which can handle cost sensitivity arising due to domain requirement (using user given α) or class imbalance (by tuning γ) or both. However, we observe that lα,usq Bayes classifiers are also not cost sensitive and noise robust. We show that regularized ERM of this loss function over the class of linear classifiers yields a cost sensitive uniform noise robust classifier as a solution of a system of linear equations. We also provide a performance bound for this classifier. The second scheme that we propose is a re-sampling based scheme that exploits the special structure of the uniform noise models and uses in-class probability η estimates. Our computational experiments on some UCI datasets with class imbalance show that classifiers of our two schemes are on par with the existing methods and in fact better in some cases w.r.t. Accuracy and Arithmetic Mean, without using/tuning noise rate. We also consider other cost sensitive performance measures viz., F measure and Weighted Cost for evaluation. If the noise is adversarial then, one can interpret not requiring the noise rates as a dominant strategy and cross-validation over noise rates as a search for a dominant strategy. Also, the required restriction of the hypothesis class to the linear class can be interpreted as an implicit form of regularization. As our re-sampling scheme requires estimates of η, we provide a detailed comparative study of various η estimation methods on synthetic datasets, w.r.t. half a dozen evaluation criterion. Also, we provide understanding on the interpretation of cost parameters α and γ using different synthetic data experiments.