The interface between Physics and Biology (Biophysics) has been, for centuries, a fantastically rich environment for scientific and technological innovation.Molecular-scale biophysics is the study of biological systems at an intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-scale observations. It sits at the crossroads of several areas of expertise (Fig. 1), and thus holds a strategic position, critical to cellular, molecular and structural biology, as well as to biomedicine, bio-production and biotechnology. It addresses essential questions on how active biomolecular assemblies form and function. These include insights into their architecture, folding, stability and dynamics, as well as into the energy and kinetics of their interactions, both at ensemble and single-event levels. It is a strongly interdisciplinary field involving physicists, biologists, chemists, as well as medical, bioinformatics and materials scientists.The last decade has witnessed a remarkable expansion in the variety of molecular-scale biophysics technologies, utilising an ever-increasing number of physical phenomena to monitor molecular changes that allow scientists to dissect molecular behaviour and to answer biological problems. These technologies include hydrodynamics, advanced spectroscopies, calorimetry, fast and ultra-fast real-time bio-sensing, native mass spectrometry, and single-molecule