PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1 MARCH 1965 transition. This indicates double excitation through the 3~ state. All that can be said of the 2~ member of the K = 2 band is that it is weakly excited and does not show any regular oscillations. Similar behavior of single and double excitation is reported in Coulomb excitation of rotational bands in U 238 (see Fig. 3). 5 Two higher positive-parity K = 0 bands have been suggested. 1 Since no members of these bands have enhanced excitation, it is not likely that these bands are based on a single-phonon quadrupole vibration. Further evidence of this is that the 0 + level at 6.71 MeV and the 2 + level at 7.46 MeV both appear to be excited by double excitation of comparable strength.We wish to thank Professor John Blair and Mr. Pierre Darriulat for their helpful discussions.tWork done under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.