Abstract. A method for retrieving cloud optical depth (τ c ) using a UCSD developed ground-based sky imager (USI) is presented. The radiance red-blue ratio (RRBR) method is motivated from the analysis of simulated images of various τ c produced by a radiative transfer model (RTM). From these images the basic parameters affecting the radiance and red-blue ratio (RBR) of a pixel are identified as the solar zenith angle (θ 0 ), τ c , solar pixel angle/scattering angle (ϑ s ), and pixel zenith angle/view angle (ϑ z ). The effects of these parameters are described and the functions for radiance, I λ (τ c , θ 0 , ϑ s , ϑ z ), and RBR(τ c , θ 0 , ϑ s , ϑ z ) are retrieved from the RTM results. RBR, which is commonly used for cloud detection in sky images, provides non-unique solutions for τ c , where RBR increases with τ c up to about τ c = 1 (depending on other parameters) and then decreases. Therefore, the RRBR algorithm uses the measured I meas λ (ϑ s , ϑ z ), in addition to RBR meas (ϑ s , ϑ z ), to obtain a unique solution for τ c . The RRBR method is applied to images of liquid water clouds taken by a USI at the Oklahoma Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program site over the course of 220 days and compared against measurements from a microwave radiometer (MWR) and output from the Min et al. (2003)