GROUNDWATER ISSUES Ground water is an abundant and important natural resource in California. An average of 16.6 million acre-feet of fresh ground water (20 percent of the total withdrawn in the United States) is withdrawn annually to supply 39 percent of the freshwater used in the State. Of the total fresh ground water withdrawn, 70 percent is used for irrigation, 25 percent for public supply, 2 percent for industrial self-supplies, 1 percent for domestic supplies, 1 percent for mining, and 1 percent for livestock, thermoelectric power, and commercial self-supplies. Groundwater sources supply more than 18 million people (69 percent of the population). The major issues related to ground water in California are: Effects of agricultural practices on water quality, Saltwater intrusion in central and south coastal aquifers, and Conjunctive use of surface and ground water in southern California.