Calmodulin-dependent nitric-oxide synthase, with an apparent molecular mass of 125 kDa, was induced in the liver of rats treated with Propionibacterium acnes and Escherichiu coli lipopolysaccharide. Clones were isolated from a cDNA library obtained from induced rat liver using oligonucleotide probes which were synthesized based on the amino acid sequences of peptides of the purified enzyme. Four overlapping cDNA clones for a 3.8-kbp region were isolated and the nucleotide sequences were determined. These clones encompassed an open-reading frame of 3441 bases encoding 1147 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA suggested that thc protein contains binding sites for NADPH, FAD and FMN. The structure of the possible calmodulinbinding site, consisting of a strongly hydrophobic region surrounded by basic amino acids, is present. The full-length cDNA was expressed in COS 1 cells under the control of a cytomegalovirus promoter and the expressed enzyme was found to be a calmodulin-dependent nitric-oxide synthase. A structural comparison suggested that the liver nitric-oxide synthase is the same as the macrophage enzyme. Northern-blot analysis showed that the mRNA in the liver is approximately 4.2 kb long and is induced transcriptionally by treatment with P acnes and lipopolysaccharide.Many biological roles are attributed to a newly identified small molecule, nitric oxide, which is generated from L-arginine by nitric-oxide (NO) synthase [l, 21. It is of interest to determine whether the molecular diversity of NO synthase indicates functional diversity for the enzyme. The molecular diversity of NO synthase is not yet fully understood, but at least two major forms are recognized; the constitutive and inducible Caz+/calmodulin-dependent form and the Ca"/ calmodulin-independent form [ 11.The nucleotide sequence of rat brain Ca2 ' kalmodulindependent constitutive NO synthase has been determined [ 3 ] . In this study, it was found that brain NO synthase contains the calmodulin-binding site as well as binding sites for FAD, FMN and NADPH. More recently, other studies suggest that NO synthases also contain heme and putative heme binding sites [4, 51. It was observed that among the isozymes of neuronal NO synthase and endothelial NO synthase these binding sites are well conserved 161. Information on the structure of inducible NO synthase is also accumulating. However, regarding the inducible NO synthase, there is an obvious discrepancy in studies relating to the calmodulin dependence of the enzyme [7-111. Inducible NO synthases from macro- Note. The novel nucleotide sequence data published here have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank sequence data bank(s) and are available under accession number(s) D12520. phages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes have been purified and characterized. These inducible forms of NO synthases are reported to be Ca'+/calmodulin independent, in contrast to the constitutive form [7,11, 121. This calmodulin independence was confirmed by the molecular cloning and sequence determination of m...