H~R O U X , Q., JOHNSON, G . E., and FLATTERY, K. V. 1972. Seasonal changes in catecholamine csntent and composition of interscapuIar brown fat in rats fed a commercial chow or a semipurified diet. Can. J. Physiol. PharmacoI. 58, 30--36. Catecholamine content and coanposition of iasterscapuIar brown fat pads have been determined in rats fed a commercial chow (MLC) st-a semipurified diet (T4F) and exposed in groups of 15 to outdoor winter, spring, or summer conditions. Brown fat pads were heavier in all seasons in T.*F-fed rats than in MLC-fed rats; they contained more of every col~stituent, which means that the diet did not affect the composition of the fat but favored its growth. Under winter conditions the brown fat gads in T4F-fed rats showed a greater redtaction of lipid and in severe winter (1967)(1968), they contained more noradrenaline. The greater trophic changes during winter in brown fat of T4F-fed rats than of MkC-fed rats suggest a greater metabolic potential of that tissue in T.lF-fed rats which could in part explain the greater csId resistance provided by that diet. Hir~e~ux, O., SOIINSOR, 6 . E., et FLATTFRY, K. V. 1972. Seasonal changes in catccholamins content and composition of interscapular brown fat in rats fed a comtnercia[ chow or a semipurilied diet. Can. J. Physisl. Pharmacol. 50, 38-36.Le conbenu en cat6choIar~line et la connposition cle la masse de graisse brune interscapulaire ont Ct C dCter~ninCs chez des rats nourris soit avec un rkgime commercial (MLC) ou un rkgirne semi-purifiC (T4F) et exposks en g r o u p s de 15 h 19ewti.rieur darrant l'hiver, lc printenlps sra 1' CtC. La mrasse de graisse brune Ctait plus pesante a toute saison chez les rats ~~~~~~is au T,%F qtle chez lcs rats nourris xu MLC elle contenait plus de claaque constituant, ce qua veut dire que le rcginle semi-purifiC ne change pas la composition du tissba mais favorise sa croissance, en hiver il y avait une plus grande rkductisn cle lipide par rapport A H96t6 ou au printernps e& durant l'hiver trks skvkre de 1967-1968 cette nnasse de tissu ches les rats aia T4F contenait plus de noradrenaIiane que chez les rats au MLC. Ceq plus grands changements trophiques I'hiver dans Ia graisse brune des rats nourris au T4F suggere une potentialit6 1-116tabolique plus grande dans ce tissu ce qui pourrait expliquer en partie la plus grande resistance aha froid apport6e par ce rCgime.