Heat capacities of tert-butyl chloride and 2,2-dichloropropane were measured with adiabatic calorimeters in
the temperature ranges between 13 and 300 K and between 6 and 300 K, respectively, and the standard
thermodynamic functions were evaluated. In a series of compounds, (CH3)
(n = 0−4), the absolute
entropy, after subtraction of the contribution due to the exchange between positions of the methyl group and
chlorine atom within each molecule, showed its n dependence of a curve with a downward convex in both
the plastically crystalline and liquid phases. The volume per molecule, as taken from literature data, showed
its n dependence of a curve with a similar downward convex in both phases. These were interpreted to indicate
that the positional and/or orientational short-range order of molecules develops with the increasing deviation
of the molecular shape from spherical in both phases. Taking also into consideration the fact that the entropy
of fusion decreased gradually as the shape of molecule deviated from a spherical one, it is indicated further
that the development is more remarkable in the liquid phase without any long-range order than in the plastically
crystalline phase with long-range positional order of molecules. It follows, from these considerations for
nonspherical molecules, that provided a particular molecule is fixed in its orientation, the time-averaged
orientational configuration of the surrounding molecules would not fulfill, at the lattice site of the particular
molecule, the site symmetry expected from the space group of the plastically crystalline phase.