A simple four-sublattice order-disorder model is developed for description of phase transitions and dielectric properties of the Rochelle salt crystal. The model is developed as a generalization of the semimicroscopic Mitsui model. The symmetry properties of lattice and spatial orientations of effective dipoles connected with the asymmetric structure units in the elementary cell are taken into account. The model allows to investigate the temperature and field behaviour of transverse (besides longitudinal) components of dielectric susceptibility. The influence of the transverse electric field E b on the phase transition points and spontaneous polarization is studied.
Dielectric properties of Rochelle saltRochelle salt (RS) is a particular object in the family of ferroelectric crystals with hydrogen bonds. Despite the fact that study of its properties has a long history, the structural aspects and mechanisms of phase transitions in this crystal are not conclusively established. RS becomes ferroelectric (with spontaneous polarization parallel to the crystallographic a-axis) in the narrow temperature range between 255 K and 297 K. Both nonpolar phases are orthorhombic (P 2 1 2 1 2 1 ), while the polar phase is monoclinic (P 2 1 11). An elementary cell consists of four formula units.Numerous data of structural investigations (starting from the early results obtained by the X-ray spectroscopy [1] and neutron scattering [2]) do not give a definitive answer to the question of microscopic nature of phase transitions in RS. Dielectric relaxation in the microwave frequency region and the critical slowing down around the phase transitions point to the order-disorder type scenario [3]. Alternatively, the presence of the soft mode, which was observed by the far infrared reflectivity and Raman spectroscopy in the lower paraelectric phase [4] as well as by microwave dielectric measurements [5] is rather a manifestation of the displacive-type transition.The soft mode in paraelectric phase is connected with structure changes (such as displacement of the O(8) oxygen along the a-axis, rotation of tightly coupled water molecules with O(9) and O(10) ions) which take place at transition to the ferroelectric phase [6]; it is confirmed by the inelastic neutron scattering data [7]. Respective static displacements