Recent deve lop ments in severa l areas of chem istry, laser technology, photod etector in strum e ntation, a nd calorim etry are su rveyed , and thei r probable impact on th e measurement of quantum yi elds is assessed. C he mical developments incl ude: (a) synthesis a nd design of ne w luminesce nt mol ecul es that cou ld possi bl y serve as standards, (b) a pplication of improved se pa ration techniques to provide sam pl es of extreme purity, and (c) advances in photoch",m istry that port e nd th e developm e nt of widera nge c he mical actinomete rs. Th e potential use of lase rs in qu antum-yield meas ure ments and th eir adva ntages ove r co nve ntional so urces for ap plication in both opti cal and calorim etric te c hniques are pointed out. New methods of quantum-yield meas urements, based o n the novel c harac te ristics of lase r pump sou rces, a re suggested, in cl udin g th e feasibility of meas urin g yields unde r time-reso lve d co nditions and of employing internal standards. The poss ible liftin g of wavelength restri ctions on both laser so urces a nd de tector devices a nd the impli cation s of these de ve lopments for exte ndin g the spec tral range of quantum-yield measurements are discussed. The c urre nt status of calorim e try for dete rminin g yield s is surveyed , and th e impact of rece nt te c hnology on the feas ibility of deve loping ca lorim e tric method s com pe titive with opti cal me thods is assessed.Key words : Calorime try in quantum yields; laser, use in quantum yie lds; photodetectors in quantum yields; quantum effi cienc ies_