Differential scanning calorimetry was used to study the relationships among drying rate, desiccation sensitivity, and the properties of water in homeohydrous (recalcitrant) seeds of Landolphia kirkW. Slow drying of intact seeds to axis moisture contents of approximately 0.9 to 0.7 gram/gram caused lethal damage, whereas very rapid (flash) drying of excised embryonic axes permitted removal of water to approximately 0.3 gram/gram. The amount of nonfreezable water in embryonic axes (0.28 gram H20/ gram dry mass) did not change with drying rate and was similar to that of desiccation-tolerant seeds. These results suggest that the amount of nonfreezable water per se is not an important factor in desiccation sensitivity. However, flash drying that removed all freezable water damaged embryonic axes. Differences between desiccation-sensitive and -tolerant seeds occur at two levels: (a) tolerant seeds naturally lose freezable water, and sensitive seeds can lose this water without obvious damage only if it is removed very rapidly; (b) tolerant seeds can withstand the loss of a substantial proportion of nonfreezable water, whereas sensitive seeds are damaged if nonfreezable water is removed.In this paper, we address (a) to what extent drying rate can affect the minimum moisture content that homeohydric tissues can survive, (b) whether the rate of water removal affects the thermal properties of water remaining in the tissues, and (c) whether there is a correlation between the thermal properties of water and expression of desiccation sensitivity. If desiccation tolerance is related to the ability of tissue to lose "bound" water without the denaturation of macromolecules, there may be differences in the thermal characteristics of water in axes of homeohydrous seeds flash dried and those dried more slowly. The relationships among dehydration rate, desiccation tolerance, and the state of water were studied using embryonic axes ofthe homeohydric seeds ofLandolphia kirkii Dyer. This species is a viny shrub native to Mozambique and the inland region of northeastern South Africa. Its large (approximately 1.5 g) endospermic seeds are typical of many other seeds from tropical species in that they are intolerant to chilling and desiccation, the embryonic axis is fully developed when it sheds, and there are no tendencies toward dormancy. If maintained at their original water content, the seed will lose viability in approximately 1 month.Desiccation tolerance of organisms involves, inter alia, the ability to withstand loss of water sorbed to macromolecular structures, particularly the surfaces of membranes, without irreversible denaturation (3, 4). A current theory, the "water replacement hypothesis," suggests that, in desiccation-tolerant tissues, water closely associated with macromolecular surfaces can be replaced by polyhydroxyl compounds that stabilize the macromolecules as water is withdrawn (3, 4). This hypothesis implies that such water replacement does not occur in desiccation-sensitive tissue.Recalcitrant, or "homeohydr...