Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai pertumbuhan alami (natural increase) sapi potong dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan penentuan responden berdasarkan purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 178 responden dari 10 desa dengan total populasi sapi potong 713 ekor terdiri atas 3 (tiga) bangsa sapi yaitu sapi Bali (457 ekor), sapi Limosin (151 ekor) dan sapi Simental (105 ekor). Peubah yang diamati meliputi karakteristik peternak dan usaha peternakan, struktur populasi sapi potong, dinamika populasi sapi potong dan natural increase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur populasi sapi potong berdasarkan umur di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada sebagai berikut: pedet jantan (6,45%), pedet betina (13,88%), jantan muda (4,07%), betina muda (10,80%), jantan dewasa (22,30%) dan betina dewasa (42,50%). Calf crop sapi potong (65,91%) sedangkan rasio sex sapi potong jantan banding betina adalah (31,72% : 68,28%). Persentase kelahiran sapi potong terhadap induk (65,91%); Persentase kelahiran sapi potong terhadap sampel (21,64%). Persentase kematian sapi potong (1,34%). Persentase natural increase sapi sapi potong di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada (20,30%). Kesimpulannya struktur populasi sapi potong di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada didominasi oleh jantan dan betina dewasa. Natural increase sapi potong di Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada tergolong rendah, sedangkan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap natural increase adalah tingkat kelahiran rendah, tingkat kematian tinggi dan populasi betina dewasa produktif rendah.
The research aims to determine the value of natural increase and factors that influence the value of natural increase of beef cattle in Pangkalan Lada District, West Kotawaringin Regency. This research is descriptive analytical. by determining respondents based on purposive sampling. The number of samples used in the research was 178 respondents from 10 villages with a total beef cattle population of 713 heads consisting of 3 (three) breeds of cattle, namely Bali cattle (457 heads), Limosin cattle (151 heads) and Simental cattle (105 heads). The parameters observed include the characteristics of breeders and livestock businesses, beef cattle population structure, beef cattle population dynamics and Natural Increase. The results of the research show that the population structure of beef cattle based on age in Pangkalan Lada District is as follows: male calf (6.45%), female calf (13.88%), young bull (4.07%), heifer (10.80% ), bull (22.30%) and cow (42.50%). Calf crop beef cattle (65.91%) while the sex ratio of male to female beef cattle is (31.72% : 68.28%) The percentage of beef cattle births to mothers is (65.91%); The percentage of beef cattle births in the sample was (21.64%). The percentage of beef cattle deaths is (1.34%). The percentage of natural increase in beef cattle in Pangkalan Lada District is (20.30%). Conclusion: The population structure of beef cattle in Pangkalan Lada District is dominated by bull and cow. The natural increase in beef cattle in Pangkalan Lada District is relatively low, while the factors that influence the natural increase are low birth rates, high death rates and low productive cow population.