The sintering shrinkage behaviors of low temperature cofired ceramics (LTCC) and resistors were compared using commercial LTCC and thick-film resistor pastes, and factors influencing the camber of cofired resistor/LTCC bi-layers were also investigated. The onset of sintering shrinkage of the resistor occurred earlier than that of LTCC in all resistors, but the end of sintering shrinkage of the resistor occurred earlier or later than that of LTCC depending on the composition of the resistor. The sintering shrinkage end temperature and the sintering shrinkage temperature interval of the resistor increased as the RuO 2 /glass volume ratio of the resistor increased. The camber of cofired resistor/LTCC bi-layers was obtained using three different methods, all of which showed nearly identical trends. The camber of cofired resistor/LTCC bi-layers was not affected by either the difference in linear shrinkage strain after sintering between LTCC and resistors or the similarity of sintering shrinkage temperature ranges of LTCC and resistors. However, it was strongly affected by the RuO 2 /glass volume ratio of the resistor. The content of Ag and Pd had no effect on the sintering shrinkage end temperature or sintering shrinkage temperature interval of the resistor, or on the camber of cofired resistor/LTCC bi-layers.