The present literary analysis compiles and examines relevant and up-to-date information about the causes, consequences,and response strategies (preventive, monitoring, and post-incident) in forest fires, with special attention to the case ofJalisco and its protected natural area "Bosque la Primavera." Various causes are presented, as well as the influence ofclimate change on the increased likelihood of this phenomenon. Environmental impacts (air, soil, flora, and fauna) arehighlighted, along with the diverse strategies to address forest fires, both at the national and international levels. Thesestrategies include public initiatives, such as fire management policies, scientific proposals like the use of technology forearly fire detection, and the importance of environmental education and community involvement. Additionally, the mostrelevant programs related to fire management in Mexico and Jalisco are mentioned, conducting an analysis comparingthese with trends in response measures to forest fires. Wildfire management is a global challenge. In Jalisco, traditional, technological, and governmental methods are combined; nevertheless, further research is crucial to enhance actions and management related to forests and fire.