The convergence of nucleus-centered multipolar expansion of the quantum-chemical electron density (QC-ED), gradient, and Laplacian is investigated in terms of numerical radial functions derived by projecting stockholder atoms onto real spherical harmonics at each center. The partial sums of this exact one-center expansion are compared with the corresponding Hansen-Coppens pseudoatom (HC-PA) formalism [Hansen, N. K. and Coppens, P., "Testing aspherical atom refinements on small-molecule data sets," Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A 34, 909-921 (1978)] commonly utilized in experimental electron density studies. It is found that the latter model, due to its inadequate radial part, lacks pointwise convergence and fails to reproduce the local topology of the target QC-ED even at a high-order expansion. The significance of the quantitative agreement often found between HC-PA-based (quadrupolar-level) experimental and extended-basis QC-EDs can thus be challenged.