DOI: 10.1162/ling_a_00481
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Can Agree and Labeling Be Reduced to Minimal Search?

Abstract: This paper develops a formal definition of Minimal Search to evaluate the idea that Agree and Labeling could be reduced to Minimal Search. Different aspects of the search algorithm in Minimal Search, i.e., breadth-first vs. depth-first search, parallel vs. serial search, global vs. modular search are compared, and reasons for choosing between each of these pairs are given based on detailed examinations of their theoretical and empirical consequences. This paper argues, based on the formal definition of Minimal… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 28 publications
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“…The formed structure merges with the compound numeral) that carries the unvalued [u-Q] and [u-GENDER] feat NQP. However, to account for the syntactic operations (Agree and valuati ture, I adopt the framework MS-Agree proposed by Ke (2019Ke ( , 2023aKe ( , 2023 MS-Agree incorporates minimal search (MS) into the Agree operati the independent assignment of search target (ST) and search domain (S modates both upward and downward agreement phenomena. Ke (201 minimal search (MS) as <SA, SD, ST>, where SA stands for search algorithm search domain (the domain SA operates on), and ST denotes search targe ST, SA matches against every head member of SD to find ST.…”
confidence: 99%
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“…The formed structure merges with the compound numeral) that carries the unvalued [u-Q] and [u-GENDER] feat NQP. However, to account for the syntactic operations (Agree and valuati ture, I adopt the framework MS-Agree proposed by Ke (2019Ke ( , 2023aKe ( , 2023 MS-Agree incorporates minimal search (MS) into the Agree operati the independent assignment of search target (ST) and search domain (S modates both upward and downward agreement phenomena. Ke (201 minimal search (MS) as <SA, SD, ST>, where SA stands for search algorithm search domain (the domain SA operates on), and ST denotes search targe ST, SA matches against every head member of SD to find ST.…”
confidence: 99%
“…The formed structure merges with the NumP (i.e., the compound numeral) that carries the unvalued [u-Q] and [u-GENDER] features to form the NQP. However, to account for the syntactic operations (Agree and valuation) in this structure, I adopt the framework MS-Agree proposed by Ke (2019Ke ( , 2023aKe ( , 2023b.…”
confidence: 99%
“…The nature of the constraints imposed on the language faculty by the principles of efficient computation, the requirement of minimization of resources required for the derivational process to proceed in particular, has become a recurring theme in recent minimalist theorizing. The principle of minimal computation has been argued to underlie various aspects of the model of the language faculty, including the phasal nature of the derivation, restricting access to previously constructed parts of the structure (see Chomsky, Ott, and Gallego (2019) for a discussion of the nature of the Phase Impenetrability Condition), and the principle of minimal search, underlying the behaviour of the search procedure for the purpose of all syntactic operations -not only the structure-building operation Merge, but also for the purpose of Agree, establishing relationships between matching occurrences of valued and unvalued features of syntactic objects and for the purpose of the Labeling Algorithm, searching for labels of syntactic objects and ensuring that the structure will be interpretable in the external components, the conceptual component and the externalization-related one (see Epstein, Kitahara, and Seely (2021) and Ke (2022) for explorations of the formal properties of the minimal search procedure).…”
confidence: 99%