Oliveira, S.C.; Castroagudin, V.L.; Maciel, J.L.N.; Pereira, D.A.S.; Ceresini, P.C. Cross-resistance to QoI fungicides azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin in the wheat blast pathogen Pyricularia oryzae in Brazil. Summa Phytopathologica, v.41, n.4, p.298-304, 2015.
ABSTRACTand carrier of the non-mutant cyt b gene (haplotype H9), and b) resistant to azoxystrobin and carrier of the G143A mutation in the cyt b gene (H1 haplotype). Fungicides belonging to the same chemical group show cross-resistance. All P. oryzae isolates sensitive to azoxystrobin were also sensitive to pyraclostrobin. Isolates that were resistant to azoxystrobin were also resistant to pyraclostrobin, indicating cross-resistance to both fungicides. Two phenotypic groups were distinguished among the resistant isolates: (A) highly resistant and (B) resistant. P. oryzae isolates with the presence of G143A mutation in the cyt b gene were 42 times more resistant to pyraclostrobin. These high levels of resistance to QoI fungicides may be the result of high selection pressure exerted by consecutive years of strobilurin application for the management of wheat diseases in Brazil.Palavras-chave: estrobilurina, citocromo b, inibidores de quinona oxidase, EC 50 , Triticum aestivum.