In the present work, the mechanisms of the reduction
of the CO2 molecule with hydrated electrons to the hydroxyl-formyl
radical were studied with ab initio computational methods. Hydrated
hydronium radicals, H3O(H2O)
(n = 0,3,6), are considered as finite-size
models of the hydrated electron in liquid water. The investigation
of cluster models allows the application of high-accuracy electronic-structure
methods, which are not computationally feasible in condensed-phase
simulations. Reaction paths and potential-energy (PE) profiles of
the proton-coupled electron-transfer reaction from hydrated H3O radicals to the CO2 molecule were explored on
the ground-state PE surface. The computationally efficient unrestricted
second-order Møller–Plesset method is employed, and its
accuracy has been carefully benchmarked in comparison with complete-active-space
self-consistent-field and multi-reference second-order perturbation
calculations. The results provide insights into the interplay of electron
transfer from the diffuse Rydberg-type unpaired electron of H3O to the CO2 molecule, the contraction of the electron
cloud by the re-hybridization of the carbon atom of CO2, and proton transfer from the nearest water molecule to the CO2
– anion, followed by Grotthus-type proton
rearrangements to form stable clusters. Starting from local energy
minima of hydrogen-bonded CO2–H3O(H2O)
complexes, the reaction to
form HOCO–(H2O)
n+1 complexes
is exothermic by about 1.3 eV (125 kJ/mol). The reaction is barrier
controlled with a barrier of the order of a few tenths of an electron
volt, depending on size and conformation of the water cluster. This
barrier is at least an order of magnitude lower than the barrier of
the reaction of CO2 with any closed-shell partner molecule.
The HOCO radicals can recombine by H-atom transfer (disproportionation),
resulting in formic acid or a dihydroxycarbene product, as well as
by the formation of a C–C bond, resulting in oxalic acid. The
strong exothermicity of these radical–radical recombination
reactions likely results in the fragmentation of the closed-shell
products formic acid and oxalic acid, which explains the strong specificity
for CO formation observed in recent experiments of Hamers and co-workers.