“…Feakins' TST formalism for the solute-induced effects on the transport properties of dilute solutions provides a more rigorous framework than the direct consideration of the B i − and B i ' −coefficients, SI.105 and SI.116 in the section SI-8 of the Supporting Information, as well as their T− and P−derivatives. 84 Yet, prior to drawing any conclusion from them, we should remember the empirical nature of SI.105 and the number of conjectured approximations behind SI.116. 140 In this section we take advantage of the sets of accurate experimental data from viscosity 81,141−143 as compiled in Tables 3−4 of Jenkins and Marcus' review 144 and nuclear magnetic relaxation time measurements 82,140,145,146 available in the current literature for a variety of dilute aqueous solutions covering a wide range of solute−solvent intermolecular interaction asymmetries.…”