Callimico goeldii gives birth to single offspring, whereas other callitrichids, including Callithrix jacchus, twin. This study compares maternal effort and infant development in C. goeldii and C. jacchus; it is the first study to look at nursing frequency. Infants were observed from birth for 7 weeks in two captive groups each of C. goeldii and C. jacchus. C. goeldii mothers physiologically invested the same or less than C. jacchus mothers. C. goeldii mothers gained the same amount of weight during pregnancy in absolute terms as did the smaller C. jacchus. This results in a smaller gain in proportion to maternal weight but an equivalent proportional gain on a per fetus basis. C. goeldii mothers nursed their infants less based on duration of nursing bouts compared with C. jacchus mothers. C. goeldii mothers transported their infants exclusively through the first 2 weeks of life, which is longer than C. jacchus mothers, who exclusively transported infants only during the first week of life. As maternal infant carriage declined, other group members transported offspring in both species. C. goeldii infants engaged in independent locomotive sequences later in development and tasted solid foods less frequently than C. jacchus infants when compared at equivalent ages. A single, opportunistic milk sample obtained from a C. goeldii mother when her infant was 48 days old indicates that C. goeldii milk contains gross energy from crude protein within the range of variation observed in Callithrix milk. Despite the similarities in milk quality and prenatal effort in individual fetuses, C. goeldii infants gain weight faster from 0 to 18 months than do C. jacchus infants. A reduction in litter size allows C. goeldii mothers to spend more time carrying their infant and to delay weaning, thereby allowing accelerated infant and juvenile growth rates compared with C. jacchus.