Metabolic scaling, the inverse correlation of metabolic rates to body mass, has been appreciated for more than 80 years. Studies of metabolic scaling have almost exclusively been restricted to mathematical modeling of oxygen consumption. The possibility that other metabolic processes scale with body size has not been studied. To address this gap in knowledge, we employed a systems approach spanning from transcriptomics to in vitro and in vivo tracer-based flux. Gene expression in livers of five species spanning a 30,000-fold range in mass revealed differential expression of genes related to cytosolic and mitochondrial metabolic processes, in addition to detoxication of oxidative damage. This suggests that transcriptional scaling of damage control mechanisms accommodates increased oxidative metabolism in smaller species. To determine whether flux through key implicated metabolic pathways scaled, we applied stable isotope tracer methodology to study multiple cellular compartments, tissues, and species. Comparing mice and rats, we demonstrate that while scaling of metabolic fluxes is not observed in the cell-autonomous setting, it is present in liver slices and in vivo. Together, these data reveal that metabolic scaling extends beyond oxygen consumption to numerous other metabolic pathways, and is likely regulated at the level of gene expression and substrate supply.