Handover is an important property of cellular conununication that enables the user to move from one cell to another without losing the connection. It is a very crucial process for the quality of the user's experience because it may interrupt data transmission. Therefore, good handover management is very important in the current and future cellular systems. Several techniques have been employed to improve the handover performance. usually to increase the probability of a successful handover. One of the techniques is predictive handover which predicts the target cell using some methods other than the traditional measurement-based algorithm, including using machine learning. Several studies have been conducted in the implementation of predictive handover, most of them by modifying the internal algorithm of existing network elements, such as the base station. We implemented a predictive handover algorithm using an intelligent node outside the existing network elements to minimize the modification of the network and to create modularity in the system. Using a recently standardized Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Near Realtime Radio Intelligent Controller (Near-RT RIC), we created a modular application that can improve the handover performance by determining the target cell using machine learning techniques. In our previous research, we modified The Near-RT RIC original software that is using vector autoregression to determine the target cell by predicting the throughput of each neighboring cell. We also modified the method using a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network. In this paper, we redesigned the neural network using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) that can better handle time series data. We proved that our proposed LSTM-based machine learning algorithms used in Near-RT RIC can improve the handover performance compared to the traditional measurement-based algorithm.